I’ve spent weeks religiously visiting crafster.com and checking out everyone’s lovely crafting blogs and figured I’d give my go at one of my own, so here it is! :)
I’ve always been a bit of an artsy/crafty person, something I got from the women on both sides of my family. My paternal Grandmother was on the crafty side of things: she knit, yarn hooked, sewed, and most of all crocheted. My maternal Grandmother lovingly called “Grambo” (of course there is a funny story behind the name) tended to be more on the artsy side, her medium of choice being watercolors. We have so many beautiful paintings around the house that she made and I have a picture of 2 loons she made for me that was one of the last paintings she did before she passed away. She wasn’t all about art, though, she was also amazing at sewing.
My mother is an amazing blend of both artsy and crafty. She is an excellent drawer, painter, sewer and crocheter, and can sculpt, knit, macramé, and cross-stitch among other things. This has directly and indirectly led to my diverse crafting experience. Over the years I have painted, drawn, sculpted, written, macraméd, shrinky-dinked, made various beaded jewelry, and have sewn rather rudimentary objects along with numerous other things I’m probably forgetting.
I remember playing with my mom’s circular knitting needles as a young girl, puzzled at how 2 connected chopstick-type things were supposed to make clothing. I asked her to teach me how to knit but I failed miserably. She also taught me how to crochet but, while I excelled at making chains, that was about as far as my skill developed. I never gave either of them a thought again until this past school year. I was a sophomore at Michigan State University and it seemed that everyone on my floor knew how to knit which sparked a long quelled interest in me and over winter break I had my mom again teach me to knit. I took to it immediately, cranking myself out a 7 foot, full-length scarf in less than a week. It wasn’t anything special skill-wise but I proceeded to make two more scarves and a hat that were much more complex.
Eventually I grew tired of seeing all the crocheted amigurumi patterns online and decided to have my mom teach me how to crochet as well. I had to wait until mid-summer but it was well worth the wait; every since I picked up that crochet hook, I haven’t been able to put it down!
Most of this blog will probably consist of crochet with a bit of knitting thrown in, as well as whatever thoughts I may have and probably a bit of my writing as well as well as whatever other random things get thrown in here (hopefully someday I’ll have my mom work on bringing my sewing skills up to par haha). As of now, everything I’ve made has been from free patterns I’ve found at ravelry or from the people on crafster (I am a beginner after all) but hopefully I’ll be seasoned enough to come up with some of my own!
Anyways, I think I’ve written a book and a half for my first post and most people reading this probably already know me. If you don’t, I’m sure you’ll learn more than you care to about me soon enough if you haven’t already! And if you ever have any questions about anything all you have to do is ask! :)
Patiently awaiting your feedback,
P.S. I figured I should give a brief explanation of the blog name for those that don’t get it. Hooker = someone who crochets (not a lady of the night you dirty minded people :P). Nerdy because probably 80% of what you see here will be just that. I not only embrace but revel in my nerdiness and use crafts to express it :)